Thursday, 2 August 2012

Ketchiccan Lumberjack Show

The other thing we had organised for Ketchikan was the Lumberjack Show.  Well you know how one of the things you think about Alaska is all the timber being sent down the rivers with big hairy men in flannie shirts stading on rolling logs???  I wanted to see if it was true. 

Not so hairy lumberjack

Action shot, would be better if they were cutting fence posts.

Flannie shirt.

Look a human squirrel!  They climb these massive poles as quick as anything and then you should see them come down, heart attack time.

Now we are talking ....

It goes for about an hour and cost $35.

After that we had to skedaddle back to the ship before it left but not before I went to the Christmas Shop.  It was amazing and I was very well behaved, much very much to someones surprise!

1 comment:

  1. Ok these guys don't look like what I had thought lumberjacks would look like but at least they have the flannie shirt on!
